As we approach the end of the year, we want to highlight important new medical cannabis laws taking effect on January 1, 2025. On March 31, 2023, SB 47 was signed into law by Governor Andy Beshear, legalizing marijuana in the Commonwealth of Kentucky for specific...
Experienced. Resourceful. Aggressive. Responsive.
Recent Federal Trade Commission Action Highlights Growing Scrutiny of No-Hire Agreements
The FTC's latest enforcement action against Guardian Service Industries signals an important shift in how regulators are approaching employment restrictions in service contracts. The agency ordered Guardian, a building services contractor, to cease enforcing no-hire...
Is the law surrounding non-compete agreements changing?
Kentucky courts regularly recognize and enforce non-compete agreements. Yet, these restrictive contracts have garnered a lot of negative attention in recent years. Some states don’t even allow them. And over the last year, the federal government has thought about...
What you should know about severance agreements in Kentucky
As a law firm, we understand that terminating an employee can be a difficult decision. In order to ensure a smooth transition and protect both parties, severance agreements may be put in place. A severance agreement is an agreement between an employer and an employee...
Are employers required to give preference to certain employees?
In Kentucky and across the United States, it is generally a positive development that employment laws are under greater scrutiny and worker protections enhanced. Despite misconceptions due to recent events, most employers strive to ensure their workers are treated...
Tips for updating your employee handbook
Workplace operations in Lexington generally run smoothly when both the employees and employers know what their rights and responsibilities are. Much of this information can be documented in an employee handbook. It is important that this document is reviewed...
Dealing with difficult employees while protecting your interests
Dealing with difficult employees is never easy. Yet, although it may be frustrating to manage these employees, you have to do so effectively if you hope to limit your legal liability. This is because disgruntled employees often levy claims against their employers for...
What to know about the ADA and ‘undue hardship’
Kentucky may be the land of horses and bourbon, but should also be a place of fairness and opportunity. This is especially true in the workplace, as most employers in Kentucky are subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This act covers how disabled...
When can an employer be sued for wrongful termination?
Most employers in Kentucky want to provide a safe and productive work environment for their employees. However, sometimes incidents come up following the discipline of an employee especially if the employee is ultimately terminated. Depending on the circumstances...
Have you engaged in disparate impact discrimination?
Sometimes workplace discrimination is so blatant that it’s unbelievable. But this isn’t always the case. In fact, in a lot of instances, discrimination is cloaked in justifications that may seem appropriate at first glance. This is the situation with disparate impact...